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Linux : Slax - your pocket operating system

2008-03-20 23:17 推荐: 浏览: 74 字号:

摘要: Slax - your pocket operating system Slax is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system with a modular approach and ...

Slax - your pocket operating system

Slax is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system with a modular approach and outstanding design. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well organized graphical user interface and useful recovery tools for system administrators.

The modular approach gives you the ability to include any other software in Slax easily. If you're missing your favourite text editor, networking tool or game, simply download a module with the software and copy it to Slax, no need to install, no need to configure.

If you are a beginner or you're just too busy to make it yourself, follow a few steps to build your own customized operating system by using web-based interface here.

Slax Linux website:

Slax是一套内含Linux操作系统的迷你型可开机光盘,即一般所称的Live CD。你可以利用该光盘直接使用Linux而不需要进行任何的安装手续。这套Live CD是以Slackware Linux发行版为基础开发的,你可以在Slax的官方网站上下载ISO光盘文件。所有的Script与源代码都提供下载供有兴趣的用户打造适合自己的Live CD。

想象一下启动你最喜爱的Linux发行版,无论你是在家,在学校,或是在工作。想象一下走在街上却只需要携带这样小小的东西便可满足工作上的任何所需——一张8公分的Live CD。你不会想要感受这样的体验吗?:)

当你把Live CD放入光驱并开机后,系统第一步会先栽入内核文件(vmlinuz),接着4MB的ramdisk将会在你电脑的内存中被建立,而根目录的映像文件(initrd.gz)解压缩后被载入刚刚所建立的ramdisk里并挂载成为系统的根目录。其它像是/usr之类的大型目录则直接在CDROM上进行挂载。

SLAX CD contains:
· Linux Kernel 2.4.28-pre4 with SATA support
· 6.8.1
· KDE 3.3.1
· KOffice 1.3.3
· KDE games
· MPlayer 1.0pre5 with KPlayer
· kopete ICQ/AIM/Y!/IRC
· midnight commander
· rdesktop (rscp in KDE)
· hotplug support
· cdrtools
· k3b burning GUI for KDE
· mutt email client
· wget
· and much more...


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