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English 900 英语九百句 2

2008-04-01 16:44 推荐: 浏览: 60 字号:

摘要: Book 2 第二册 [1] Talking about objects and people 谈论物品和人 151. What do you want? 152. I want a cup of coffee. 153. What would you l...

Book 2 第二册

[1] Talking about objects and people 谈论物品和人

151. What do you want?
152. I want a cup of coffee.
153. What would you like to eat?
154. Please give me a piece of pie.
155. Which one would you like--this one or that one?
156. It doesn’t matter to me.
157. I’d like to talk with Mr. Johns or Mr. Smith.
158. I’m sorry,but both of them are busy right now.
159. Wouldn’t you like some coffee?
160. I’d rather have some tea,if you don’t mind.
161. Do you know any of those people?
162. Two or three of them look familiar.
163. All of those men are friends of mine.
164. Which one of those men is Mr. Taylor?
165. Is he the tall man on the left?

[2] Talking about languages 谈论语言

166. Do you speak English?
167. Yes, a little.
168. Does your friend speak English?
169. Yes, he speaks English perfectly.
170. what’s his native language?
171. I don’t know what his native language is.
172. How many languages do you speak?
173. My friend reads and writes several languages.
174. How well do you know French?
175. He speaks French with an American accent.
176. My parents speak English perfectly.
177. Mr. Jones can read French pretty well.
178. Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English.
179. I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation.
180. How is her accent in French?

[3] Talking about activities 谈论活动

181. What are you doing?
182. I’m reading a book.
183. What’s your friend doing?
184. He’s studying his lesson.
185. I’m not doing anything right now.
186. Where are you going?
187. I’m going home.
188. What time are you coming back?
189. I’m not sure what time I’m coming back.
190. What are you thinking about?
191. I’m thinking about my lesson.
192. Who are you writing to?
193. I’m writing to a friend of mine in South American.
194. By the way,who are you waiting for?
195. I’m not waiting for anybody.

[4] Asking about age 询问年龄

196. How old are you?
197. I’m twenty-one years old.
198. My brother is not quite twenty-five.
199. John is not forty-five yet,is he?
200. Mr. Smith is still in his fifties.
201. I’m two years older than you are.
202. My brother is two years younger than I am.
203. How many are there in your family?
204. There are seven of us altogether.
205. My sister is the oldest.
206. I’m the youngest.
207. Guess how old I am.
208. I’d say yor’re about twenty-three.
209. I was thirty on my last birthday.
210. I’m going to be sixty-one next Tuesday.

[5] Talking about daily activities 谈论日常活动

211. What time do you get up every day?
212. I usually wake up early.
213. I get up at 6 o’clock every day.
214. My brother gets up later than I do.
215. After I get dressed,I have breakfast.
216. Usually,I have a big breakfast.
217. I have juice,cereal,toast and coffee for breakfast.
218. I leave the house at eight a.m. each day.
219. I get to work at nine o’clock every morning.
220. I work hard all morning.
221. I go out for lunch at about 12:30.
222. I finish working at 5:45 p.m.
223. I eat dinner at about 7 o’clock.
224. Before I eat dinner,I read the newspaper for a while.
225. I usually go to bed at about midnight.

[6] Talking about yesterday’s activities 谈论昨天的活动

226. What time did you get up yesterday morning?
227. I woke up early and got up at 6 o’clock.
228. My brother got up earlier than I did.
229. Did you get dressed right away?
230. Yes, I got dressed and had breakfast.
231. What kind of breakfast did you have?
232. What time did you get to work yesterday morning?
233. I left the house at 8 o’clock and got to work at 8:30.
234. Did you work all day?
235. Yes, I worked from early morning until late at night.
236. At noon I had lunch with a friend of mine.
237. I finished working at 5:30 and went home.
238. After dinner I read a magazine and made some telephone calls.
239. I went to bed at 11:30 p.m.
240. I went to sleep immediately and slept soundly all night.

[7] Meeting a friend 访友

241. Where did you go yesterday?
242. I went to see a friend of mine.
243. Did you see Mr. Jones yesterday?
244. I didn’t see Mr. Jones,but I saw John Smith.
245. What did you talk about?
246. We talked about a lot of things.
247. I asked him a lot of questions.
248. What did you ask him?
249. I asked him if he spoke English.
250. He said he spoke a little English.
251. Then I asked him if he knew anybody in New York .
252. He said he knew a lot of people there.
253. Finally,I asked him how old he was.
254. He said he would rather not tell his age.
255. He answered almost all of my questions.

[8] Talking about last year’s activities 谈论去年的活动

256. What time did you use to get up last year?
257. I used to wake up early and get up at 7 o’clock.
258. I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a.m.
259. I never used to oversleep.
260. I used to get dressed quickly every morning.
261. I always used to leave for work at 8:30.
262. I used to start working at 9:00 o’clock every day.
263. I used to have lunch every day at the same time.
264. I used to work until nearly 6:00 o’clock each day.
265. I used to have dinner at 7:30 and go to bed early.
266. My brother and I used to go a lot of places together.
267. We used to go to the movies about once a week.
268. We used to have a lot of interesting friends.
269. My brother used to speak French to me all the time.
270. I always used to ask him a lot of questions.

[9] Asking about addresses 询问地址

271. Where do you live?
272. I live on Washington Street.
273. What’s your address?
274. I live at 1203 Washington Street.
275. I’m Mr. Smith’s next door neighbor.
276. You live here in the city,don’t you?
277. I’m from out of town.
278. How long have you lived here?
279. I’ve lived here for five years.
280. He’s known me for over ten years.
281. I’ve spoken English all my life.
282. I’ve already read that book.
283. Has he studied French very long?
284. Have you had breakfast already?
285. Yes,I had breakfast two hours ago.

[10] Asking questions 提问题

286. Where were you yesterday afternoon?
287. I was at home all afternoon.
288. I was writing some letters to friends of mine.
289. What were you doing at about 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon?
290. I was listening to the radio.
291. What were you doing when I called you on the telephone?
292. When you called me, I was eating dinner.
293. When I saw Mr. Jones,he was talking with John Smith.
294. While you were writing letters,I was reading a book.
295. While we were having breakfast,John was talking on the telephone.
296. Can you guess what I was doing this morning?
297. I can’t remember what John was doing yesterday afternoon.
298. I’ve forgotten what he said his address was.
299. I’ve forgotten what time he said he had dinner last night.
300. They called us just as we were having dinner.


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